


In September 2009 Betsy Damon served as Artist in Residence at the University of Dayton's Art Street facility. Damon is recognized internationally for her work revolving around the concept of Living Water and has been awarded numerous grants by both the artistic and ecological communities.
Documentation of a March 20, 2018 conversation with Betsy Damon and Asia Art Archive in America's Jane DeBevoise and Cici Wu focused on the documentation of 'Keepers of the Waters', Ms. Damon's community-based water activism initiative, that took place in Chengdu, Sichuan Province (1995) and Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region (1996).
Water Rules Life, a visual art media piece by Betsy Damon, shows how art heals environments.



Books as Resources

  • Abram, David (1996) The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More Than Human World. New York: Random House

  • Adamson, Joni, Mei Mei Evans, & Rachel Sten, eds. (2002) The Environmental Justice Reader politics, poetics, and pedagogy. University of Arizona Press

  • Agamben, Giorgio (2004) The Open – Man and Animal. Stanford: Stanford University Press

  • Barry, Joyce. “Mountaineers Are Always Free?: An Examination of Mountaintop Removal Mining in West Virginia.” in “Women’s Studies Quarterly” special edition called “EarthWorks,” Summer 2001

  • Berleant, Arnold, ed. (2002) Environment and the Arts. Burlington: Ashgate

  • Brady, Emily. (2003) Aesthetics of the Natural Environment. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press

  • Brown, Charles and Toadvine, Ted, eds (2003) Eco-Phenomenology: Back to the Earth Itself. Albany, NY: SUNY Press

  • Brown, Lester; EcoCities

  • Bullard, Robert D. Dumping in “Dixie”: race, class, and environmental quality.

  • Bullard, Robert D. Confronting Environmental Racism: voices from the grassroots.

  • Carty, Linda, Ms Magazine, Spring 2007, “The Dirty Saga of Onondaga County”

  • Casey, Edward S. (1993) Getting Back Into Place: Toward a Renewed Understanding of the Place-World. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press

  • Christopher Alexander, et al; A Pattern Language: towns, buildings, construction

  • Coats, Callum Living Energies: Exposition of Concepts Viktor Schauberger

  • Code, Lorraine. (2006 Ecological Thinking: The Politics of E;istemic Location. Oxford University Press

  • Colborn, Theo, Dimanoski, Dianne, and Myers, John Peterson; Our Stolen Future: Are we threatening our fertility, intelligence and survival? A scientific detective story

  • Dreiseitl, Ateleier; Waterscapes: Planning, building and designing with water

  • “Ecological Economics” special issue on feminism and ecology, published in 1997 (volume 20).

  • Egan, Dave and Abrams, Jesse, Editors: The Human Dimensions of Ecological Restoration

  • Evernden, Neil (1985) The Natural Alien. Toronto: University of Toronto Press

  • Foltz, Bruce and Frodeman, Robert, eds. (2004) Rethinking Nature: Essays in Environmental Philosophy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press

  • FotoFest Water 2004. Tenth international Biennial on Photography and Photo Related Art. Catalogue Fotofest, Houston TX 2004

  • Goodall, Jane; Reasons for Hope and Harvest of Hope

  • Harvey, Graham (2006) Animism: Respecting the Living World. New York: Columbia University Press

  • Ingold, Tim. (2002) The Perception of the Environment – Essays in Dwelling, Livelihood and Skill. London: Routledge

  • Kemal, Salim and Gaskell, Ivan, eds. (1995) Landscape, Natural Beauty and the Arts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

  • LaDuke, Winona (1999) All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life. South End Press

  • Light, Andrew and Rolston III, Holmes, eds. (2003) Environmental Ethics. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers

  • Marks, William; Voices of Water

  • Mazis, Glen. (2002) Earthbodies – Rediscovering our Planetary Senses. New York: SUNY Press

  • McKibben, Bill;  Deep Economy (the wealth of communities and the durable future)

  • Merchant, Carolyn. (1980) The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution. San Francisco: Harper Collins

  • Milton, Kay (2002) Loving Nature: Toward an Ecology of Emotion. London: Routledge

  • Pollan, Michael; The Botony of Desire, The Omnivores Dilemma and In Defense of Food:  An Eater's Manifesto

  • Pratt, Vernon, Howarth, Jane and Brady, Emily. (2000) Environment and Philosophy (Routledge introductions to environment series). London: Routledge

  • Roszak, Theodore, Gomes, Mary, and Kanner, Allen D. (1995) Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books

  • Schwenk, Theodor (1965) Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air. East Sussex: Rudolf Steiner Press

  • Schwenk, W. (ed.): The Hidden Qualities of Water.
    Edinburgh 2007

  • Schwenk, W.: To People of the World. W.E. Marks (ed.): Water Voices from Around the World, p. 168-169. Edgartown, MA 2007.

  • Schwenk, W.: Water as an Open System. H. Dreiseitl et al. (eds.): Waterscapes - planning, building and designing with water, p. 106-107. Basel & Boston 2001

  • Schwenk, W.: The Mobility of Water as an Aspect of Quality and its Visualization by Means of the Drop Picture Method. Kozisek F. (ed.): Living Water 95, p. 85-95 & 21-27. Prague 1995.

  • Schwenk, T. & W. Schwenk: Water, the Element of Life. Hudson NY 1990.

  • Shiva, Vandana: Water Wars. South End Press, 2002.

  • Smith, Mick. An Ethics of Place: radical ecology, postmodernity and social theory. (2001) Albany: State University of New York Press

  • Wilkens, A., J. Jacobi & W. Schwenk: Understanding Water (2nd edition 2005) with out 300 photos and drawings.

  • Zimmerman, Michael, ed. (2005 edition) Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall (a classic on Environmental Ethics)

Betsy's Writing