The Trillion Tree Campaign
You don’t have to get your hands dirty to help the Trillion Tree movement.
Restoring the world’s forests on an unprecedented scale is essential to fighting climate change. Planting trees to cover an area the size of the continental U.S. could store up to 205 billion tons of carbon, which amounts to recovering two-thirds of the carbon damage we’ve done so far. Planting trees brings benefits for agriculture, wildlife, and living standards.
Momentum for reforestation is building. Ethiopia recently planted 350 million trees—in one day. Just this month, the U.N. announced a plan to create urban forests in Africa and Asia totaling an area four times the size of Hong Kong. This will help to mitigate the carbon footprint of rapid urbanization, create jobs, cool temperatures, and improve urban life. These urban forest plans also create unique opportunities for innovations in architecture and design.
Let's bring this momentum to the United States. The easiest way to support reforestation projects is by using the Trillion Tree Campaign's interactive map at—where you can see exactly where your trees will be planted. Fighting climate chaos can sometimes feel like a discouraging list of "don't's"—but when it comes to planting trees, we face an easy and exciting "do".
How else can I help restore forests?
Buy Rainforest Alliance-certified products
Recycle as much as possible and use recycled products
Limit meat consumption or purchase meat from ecologically-friendly suppliers. The meat industry is responsible for extensive deforestation.