The Art of Healing Water: Making Sewage Treatment Beautiful, both in Process and Presentation
Bay Area ecoartist and greywater expert Christina Bertea gave this presentation on her work with a cutting-edge sewage treatment plant in Tecate, Mexico. Christina works with Greywater Action, where you can find tons of other resources on greywater, rainwater, and composting toilet systems.
Organized by Counter Culture Labs
Follow along as eco artist / plumber / greywater & rainwater reuse activist Christina Bertea marvels at how her life led to helping design embellishments for a cutting edge “green” sewage treatment plant in Tecate, Baja CA.
What makes this gentle, passive, biological “water healing plant” unique? How does it work? Celebrate the visionary instigators (and the microbial heroes) of this project to transform “waste” into public benefit: CA title 22 irrigation water, high quality compost, electricity, community education, beauty. This romp should be a fun mix of provocative art, science, and hopefully, inspiration!
Recorded at Counter Culture Labs February 21, 2023